Live Social Discovery App Yubo Says Friendship Enriches Gen Z’s Lives

Yubo App
5 min readAug 2, 2024


Yubo, a global live social discovery app, focuses on cultivating friendships that can enrich the lives of users in a digitally-native environment.

Maintaining multiple supportive friendships can add a rich new dimension to otherwise routine life experiences. For digital native Gen Zers, some of these friendships are likely formed on social media platforms and/or apps. In fact, many Gen Zers are perfectly comfortable with online-only relationships.

Live social discovery app Yubo encourages its teen and young adult users to form respectful friendships with others around the globe. Whether the friends share common interests, or two seemingly different Gen Zers just seem to click, good friendships are worth their weight in gold.

While casual acquaintances may meet for coffee and shop the stores together, friends are often closely involved in each other’s lives. Here, Yubo highlights three ways good friends can help uplift others and contribute to their personal growth.

Reduce the Odds of Social Isolation (and its Impacts)

Individuals of every age can benefit from regular social interactions. Perhaps students chat in the school hallway, or coworkers gather in the break room. Neighbors may congregate at the local coffee shop. Friends may go thrift store shopping together. Regardless of the venue, these engagements add humanity to a high-technology world.

A vibrant social life often reduces the risk of isolation. To illustrate, millions of people experienced the sudden isolation that resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns. Individuals across the country were deprived of social interactions at school, at work, and in their daily routines. Unresolved isolation can significantly contribute to depression.

Finally, a well-rounded social life can help strengthen one’s immune system over time. Adults with consistent social interactions can also realize decreased risks of health problems such as hypertension (or high blood pressure) and a less-than-healthy body mass index (or BMI).

Provide Motivation for Positive Change

When an individual seeks to improve their quality of life, this often involves hard work and sustained effort. Perhaps the person recently enrolled in a challenging high school or college course. Maybe they’re changing their eating habits, and adding regular exercise, to improve their fitness level. Regardless of the challenge, friends who consistently serve as cheerleaders greatly improve the person’s chances of success.

Help A Friend Cope with Challenges

Although everyone faces ups and downs, upbeat friends can often help transform a negative mindset into a positive outlook. Perhaps a friend is facing a personal or family crisis or they recently experienced a major disappointment. Talking through the situation with a friend can add a new perspective and help the person feel that they’re not alone.

highlights four qualities a good friend will likely possess. First, friendships are built on respect and trust. Second, a friend accepts the other person’s positive attributes and faults, making no effort to change them. In addition, a friend doesn’t try to pressure another person into giving up their values, morals, and personal convictions.

Finally, a friend is sincerely interested in learning about others’ life experiences. During a conversation, they listen closely without being judgmental or overbearing. Where necessary, they offer positive feedback and unwavering support.

Similar Interests Can Kick-Start a Friendship

When looking to form friendships, finding another person with similar interests can be an instant icebreaker. Perhaps both Gen Zers enjoy the same favorite foods or have similar tastes in music. Maybe they’re both technology fans and could talk for hours about emerging tech trends. Perhaps they share a deep commitment to a personal cause.

Regardless of the shared attribute, finding common ground can help get a friendship off to a good start. Whether the two parties meet in person, or they’re both members of the same online group, this “common ground” principle applies.

How Online Friendships Often Get Started

When two friendly Gen Zers meet online, and they know they have similar interests and/or passions, they can skip the small talk. They can jump right into an exchange about a favorite topic, confident that the other person has a similar frame of reference. In fact, both Gen Zers are likely to be current with the topic’s latest trends.

As the conversation progresses, the participants’ excitement grows. Even though their fingers are flying, they can’t share their thoughts fast enough. In fact, an electric energy often develops, sparking a longer conversation and likely a plan to chat online again soon.

How Yubo’s “Add by Tag” Feature can Help

On many social media platforms, finding other users with similar interests is a trial-and-error process. Joining a special-interest group is a step in the right direction. However, many users don’t feel comfortable posting their thoughts. In addition, irrelevant content and user conflicts can take up considerable bandwidth.

Fortunately, Yubo’s innovative Add by Tag feature bypasses this digital noise. Collectively, Yubo tags are interest-related icons that any user can add to their profile. Once inside the profile, the user clicks “Tags” to access the feature and choose relevant tags. With 18 tag categories, users will likely find multiple interests that strike their fancy.

Naturally, friendship-focused Yubo users want to find others who share specific interests. When a user opens their profile, and clicks on a pre-selected tag, they can view a list of other users who have also pre-selected that tag. This sets the stage for a friendly chat and ideally a mutually beneficial online friendship.

“Opposites Attract” Also Applies to Friendships

Although similar interests or passions can be a solid basis for friendships, it’s not a set-in-stone requirement. In fact, many thriving friendships (and romantic relationships) were built on respect for the two parties’ differences. From that perspective, Gen Zers can approach potential Yubo app friendships with confidence and curiosity.

While digital technology has transformed nearly every aspect of personal relationships, one timeless adage still holds true. The phrase “ To have a friend, be a friend “ involves several positive practices that can help to uplift both parties. Here, Yubo offers four suggestions that apply to friendships between Gen Zers of every age and background.

First, friends should treat others with the respect they’d like to receive. Being reliable, trustworthy, and generous with personal time opens the door to truly beneficial conversations. Being supportive, and really listening to the other person’s thoughts and feelings, can help foster more authentic communication.

In any friendship, both parties can make mistakes and/or say something that has unintended consequences. When that occurs, acknowledging the misstep and expressing a sincere desire to move forward are key. Once both parties are again on the same page, they are well positioned to bring more positive energy and creativity to their online friendship.

Published by: Khy Talara

Originally published at on August 2, 2024.



Yubo App

Yubo is a social live-streaming platform that celebrates a space where anyone can belong.