Live Social Discovery App Yubo Brings Users’ Physical and Mental Health to the Forefront

Yubo App
5 min readJul 3, 2024


Yubo, a live social discovery app, highlights the importance of mental and physical wellness in the age of digital connection.

In today’s 21 st -century digital world, spending lots of time online is the norm rather than the exception. Digital native Gen Zers are particularly comfortable with the Internet and social media apps. Each week, these users may spend hours learning about new trends and catching up with online friends. In fact, many Gen Zers are comfortable maintaining online-only friendships.

That said, life is all about achieving balance. Ideally, Internet users (including social media fans) will balance their screen time with a focus on their physical and mental health. Keeping both elements in sync sets the stage for a more enriching life. Live social discovery app Yubo offers tips for improving both key wellness components.

3 Ways users can achieve better physical health

Improving physical health doesn’t always mean going to the gym multiple times per week. Regardless of where Yubo users live, they can find ways to get into motion during their everyday activities.

Take over dog-walking duties

Yubo users with a family dog (or two) have a built-in exercise program. Every day, dogs require multiple potty walks to handle their important business. If the family dog is physically able to maintain a brisk pace, that’s an added bonus for the dog and handler alike.

Even better, making (and achieving) daily distance goals provides cardio benefits and helps strengthen muscles. A smartwatch or phone app can easily perform the tracking work. In neighborhoods with multiple friendly dogs, walking with friends and/or neighbors delivers added social benefits.

Build activity into the daily routine

Maintaining daily physical activity is a big step in the right direction. Of course, the term “physical activity” covers a wide territory. Yubo users can take a brisk neighborhood walk at least once daily. Running up and down the stairs or vigorously vacuuming the carpets counts as exercise. And dancing to a few high-energy tunes certainly counts as a cardio workout.

Dr Richard Graham is a child and adolescent psychiatrist and a member of the Yubo Safety Board. He recommended that Yubo users find ways to keep moving ─ regardless of the type of physical activity they do. “Seize every opportunity to move. Even the shortest bursts of activity are very powerful for your physical and mental well-being. As your energy levels increase, you can increase the amount of exercise you do,” Dr Graham noted.

Dr. Graham also remarked that physical activity releases endorphins, or the body’s “feel good” hormones. In addition, regular exercise decreases stress and promotes better-quality sleep. Increased self-esteem and reduced depression risks are other key benefits.

Make exercise a social occasion

Working out with friends delivers exercise benefits while providing time to “catch up” on the latest trends. A group walk around the block, an informal tennis game, or a rope jumping session can all deliver cardio benefits and camaraderie. While quieter and slower-paced, a group yoga class can help build strength while promoting well-being and stress relief. Regardless of the exercise choice, combining physical activity and socialization is a “win-win” strategy for everyone involved.

3 Ways users can improve their mental health

Working toward better mental health involves positive online interactions. It also includes finding a balance between online and offline activities. Here, Yubo offers three strategies Gen Zers can use to achieve this goal.

Make age-appropriate connections

Connecting with same-aged users enables Gen Zers (especially teens) to build their own online communities. Dr. Graham noted that this is a key part of young users’ development. “Connecting with others and creating a sense of belonging is an important goal in a teenager’s development. Nowadays, this often happens online as young people’s social lives are increasingly embedded in digital technology,” Dr. Graham explained.

Once online, Gen Zers should find their chosen platform a respectful, inclusive place. Unlike many other social apps, Yubo doesn’t integrate “likes” and “follows.” This reduces pressure on users to appear or behave in a certain way. In fact, Yubo encourages young users to be 100 percent authentic in their interactions. Yubo also provides users with considerable control over the content they see and hear. Dr. Graham remarked on why that’s important.

“For young people, it’s important they feel able to affect what’s going on around them…If your time online feels like it’s being controlled by algorithms or professional content creators, you start to feel powerless. But if you’re in control and you’re building strong friendships, digital spaces can have a very positive impact. You can be yourself,” Dr Graham said.

Establish “device not allowed” zones and/or times

To keep electronic devices from taking over one’s life, users can identify “no device” household zones . Examples include the bathroom, kitchen, or a favorite home gathering spot.

Alternatively, users can choose specific time frames during which electronic device use is not permitted. During the family dinner hour, keeping devices out of the mix encourages conversation. A social gathering will be more enjoyable if guests aren’t scrolling on their phones during the event. Finally, during pre-bedtime hours, keeping devices off limits can help promote better sleep.

Integrate more offline activities

Stepping back from the devices, and enjoying the setting outside a user’s house or apartment, provides a perspective on the real world. Walking around a scenic park, or taking a jaunt through the neighbourhood, offers a change of scenery and perhaps some time in nature.

During this leisurely stroll, users may notice feelings and thoughts come into their mental field of view. By welcoming these musings without judgment, the user may expand their worldview and help them better handle everyday situations. They may also discover offline activities they might enjoy.

Dr Richard Graham noted that after the Covid lockdowns were lifted, Gen Zers gradually replaced their video-watching habits with offline activities. “It took a while for young people to get out of their lockdown habits, but it’s reassuring that they are now setting boundaries between their digital spaces and what they need or want to do offline,” Dr Graham remarked.

Access available mental health resources

Unexpected situations can disrupt even the best online/offline balance structure. When that occurs, it’s often helpful to discuss the issue with a caring listener (often a licensed mental health professional). Here, Yubo offers contact information for five recognized mental health support organisations.

Revamping physical and mental health strategies

Everyone’s life situations and priorities continue to change. With that as a backdrop, fine-tuning physical and mental health strategies makes sense. Keeping a balance between daily online and offline time, and cultivating rewarding connections and support systems, provide a solid foundation for personal growth.

Samantha Green, a psychology graduate from the University of Hertfordshire, has a keen interest in the fields of mental health, wellness, and lifestyle.

Originally published at on July 3, 2024.



Yubo App

Yubo is a social live-streaming platform that celebrates a space where anyone can belong.